Grief Support for Addiction and Overdose Losses

Grief is the normal and natural reaction to any significant loss, whether that is a bereavement loss or a non-death loss. Family members of those with substance use disorders often experience deep ambiguous loss, a type of grief often misunderstood by professionals and can prove incredibly complex for families. The first half of this is designed to understand and provide strategies for families grieving loved ones who are living with substance use disorders.

The second half of this program will assist professionals in responding to the unique grief following a substance-related death. Over
...Read moredose deaths hit 107,000 in 2021, a record in the US and an increase of nearly 20% over the previous annual high. Unfortunately, research and support around this type of loss remain limited. This session will provide strategies for supporting those dealing with the most common complex issues of substance-related grief, including disenfranchised grief, guilt, blame, relief, and introducing basic coping tools for individuals and support systems. Less...

Learning Objectives

  • Define grief and explore the impact of grief both before and after a death to overdose or other substance-related cause.
  • Identify key indicators of ambiguous grief and introduce therapeutic and psychoeducational interventions to ease the stress of ambiguous loss for families with loved one(s) with substance use disorders.
  • Articulate common modern grief theories in contrast to the traditional stage mode of grief and their applications in cases of addiction and overdose.
  • Describe the unique aspects of the disenfranchised grief experience of family members and friends who have lost a loved one to addiction.
  • Apply evidence-informed principles of grief support to family members of those experiencing grief following a substance use death.

Target Audience

This educational activity is intended for behavioral health professionals, including Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, and MFT's.

Learning Levels

  • Intermediate

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Live Interactive Webinar

12:00 PM EDT - 03:15 PM EDT

Register for this Webinar
EARN 3 CE Credit Hours

About the speakers


12:00-12:30 Introduction, data review, and defining grief

  • Doka and the introduction of the grief beyond bereavement loss.

12:30-1:30 Grief and Addiction: Understanding Non-Death Loss

  • Defining the two types of ambiguous loss
  • Relational stress and assessing the impact of ambiguous loss
    • Individuals
    • Family Systems

1:30-1:45 Break

1:45-2:15 Grief and Overdose Loss: Understanding Disenfranchised Grief

  • Defining disenfranchised loss
  • The role of support systems and subjectivity
  • The impact of disenfranchised losses on grief

2:15-3:00 Common Grief Experiences and Interventions

  • Those unaware of a substance use disorder
  • Those aware of a substance use disorder
  • Friends and family also abusing substances.

3:00-3:05 Locating Community Resources

3:05-3:15 Questions and Close

CE Information - Earn 3 CE Credit Hours

CE Approvals

American Psychological Association
CE Learning Systems, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. CE Learning Systems maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work
CE Learning Systems SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0060.
New York Education Department for Licensed Mental Health Counselors
CE Learning Systems, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0072.
Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners
What's Your Grief is authorized by the Board of Social Work Examiners in Maryland to sponsor social work continuing education learning activities and maintains full responsibility for this program. This training qualifies for XX Category I continuing education units.
New York State Education Department's State Board for Psychology
CE Learning Systems dba & is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0016.
New York State Education Department's State Board for Marriage and Family Therapy
CE Learning Systems dba & is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Marriage and Family Therapy as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed marriage and family therapists #MFT-0045.

CE Process Info

Each professional is responsible for the individual requirements as stipulated by his/her licensing agency. Please contact your individual licensing board/regulatory agency to review continuing education requirements for licensure renewal. Please note: You must attend "live" (in real-time) to earn CE credits.

Before the event, you will receive an email from CE-Go with access to the virtual event. After the event, you will receive access to your evaluation and continuing education certificate via a personalized "attendee dashboard" link, hosted on the CE-Go website. This link and access to the virtual event will be sent to the email account you used to register for the event.

Upon accessing the CE-Go "attendee dashboard", you will be able to:

  • Complete evaluation forms for the event
  • Download your continuing education certificate in a PDF format

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